Renee Merckx, CLTC
Owner, Michigan Long Term Care Insurance, LLC
Executive Director,
Professional Resource Alliance
of Greater Michigan
Living Longer & Loving It!®
You just got the call you never thought you would get, "Mom has been diagnosed with the Alzheimer's Disease!" Fact: This is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States with no cure! And every 68 seconds someone in America develops Alzheimer's. If you have never lived through being a caregiver, you better be prepared emotionally and "Financially!"
In Michigan the care is at $250 a day for care!
Learn how to Properly put your plan in place without Government Interference with a Nationally recognized "SPECIALIST" before you can't change the situation.
As an Independent Agent, "I do not have an allegiance to any insurance company or to fill any quotas. My allegiance is to you, my "CLIENT", to help assist you in designing the proper plan.
I offer the most affordable and comprehensive plans in the market place for:
- individuals
- associations
- employer groups
This is about your life savings and choices...let's keep it in your family!"
Don't let your Assets be Erased, put your Long Term Care Insurance in Place!